Privacy during sessions
Whatever is shared, expressed, or experienced during (and/or in preparation or aftermath of) a session, is strictly private and will not be shared in any way, shape or form with any other sentient being. Unless permission is given by you.
I keep the right to share general, overall impressions of sessions held, during my teachings (written, verbal, energetic), but you will not be recognized as a client of that topic.
Divine Neutral Space
During sessions, touch is COSMIC TOUCH, implying there is NO PERSONAL expression or desire present, and it is REQUIRED that you bring yourself into that space of NON-PERSONAL EXCHANGE/EXPECTATION as well.
My services are NON-SEXUAL, NON-SENSUAL and with the purest intent to bring YOU back into alignment with YOURSELF, not in a 'play-zone' with me.
I request you to KNOW this from heart, and have the same intent when you enter the session.
Denying service
I hold the right to deny my services at any moment, without reason. When I do so, I will refund the investment in the session with immediate effect.
Aim of Sessions
The aim of a session is always to bring you in higher alignment with YOURSELF. I am not (judicially) responsible for any perceived dis-alignment which may or may not have come forth out of a session or from my communication/behavior. I actually think that whatever comes forth from a session/sharing is GREAT, even when perceived as temporary dis-alignment :- )
I ask you to take RESPONSIBILITY and SOVEREIGNTY over yourself and your body. If anything feels off or wrong or scary, TELL ME! Don't assume I know/feel everything. And most certainly don't just accept that 'the energies coming forth must be OK because they come from a 'higher' place. when it feels OFF, most of the time is IS OFF, or at least there is something to HIGHLIGHT and be aware off.
I take RESPONSIBILITY for MY ENERGIES and each session I create with the highest heart intent to work with the purest and most aligned cosmic universal energies for the client in session. I create and hold a safe & sacred divinely neutral container, where anything and all may come forth that needs to be SEEN & OWNED by you in order to grow & expand.
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The Coooooookies Monster & Privacy Statement
Unfortunately the webhost and website-builder that I utilize use cooooooooookies, just like any other. Although I personally love them chocolate chip cookies and also heerlijke kano's of pennywafels, They have nothing to do with these. I'd say, don't accept them! Unless you want a better experience in browsing this site, apparently.
I have seen no difference, either with accepting or declining them, up to you.
Cookies are text files with small pieces of data — like a username and password — that are used to identify your computer as you use a computer network. Specific cookies known as HTTP cookies are used to identify specific users and improve your web browsing experience.
Een cookie is een klein tekstbestand dat verstuurd wordt van een website en dat vervolgens wordt bewaard op de harde schijf van uw computer.
U kunt in uw browser zelf een instelling kiezen die er voor zorgt dat u een bericht krijgt voordat een website een cookie naar uw computer stuurt. Vervolgens kunt u ervoor kiezen de cookies te accepteren of niet. Aangezien verschillende browsers op verschillende manieren werken, kunt u in het help menu zoeken naar de instelling van uw browser.
What you share in the contact form, will be kept in file. I am obliged to keep this and all information that we share, as long as you are a client. If you wish for your info to be deleted, tell me and I'll gladly do that. The information is being saved in the email host of Microsoft 365, nowhere else.
This website can also contain links to other websites, And I am not eligible for safety and integrity of those. As soon as you leave this beautifully cultivated high frequency space/website, you are on your own.
gegevens beheer Deze website kan links bevatten naar andere websites die niet onder onze controle vallen. Wij kunnen geen verantwoording nemen voor de bescherming van de privacy of inhoud op die websites, maar bieden de links aan om het voor onze bezoekers makkelijker te maken meer informatie over specifieke onderwerpen te vinden.
Persoonlijke gegevens worden bewaard op de email host/server onder de container van Microsoft 365 emailhosting. Als je wilt dat dit verwijderd wordt, email even.